Hello and welcome to the Blue Nose Trading Patreon. My name is Tori, and this is Pepita. Patreon is a website that allows you to support you favorite artists in exchange for exclusive content. In addition to exclusive content, I'm creating a community space on Discord where we can all hang out, share our artwork and our lives in a safe and fun environment.
My patrons get exclusive access to videos on YouTube, early access to ceramic shop updates, VIP Discord channels and votes in polls that help shape the growth and direction of the channel.
Every patron tier will receive a certain number of patron tokens that can be spent on fun items in the Discord /shop. These include event tickets, astrology readings, webstore credits and more, with more to come.
I appreciate you considering becoming a patron of my work. Just so you know, you don't need to be a patron to join and participate in our Discord community. You can find the link below, and I hope to hang out with you all soon!
Patron Tiers and Benefits
"Buy me a coffee" - $3 per month
Perfect for those who just want to support my artwork! This tier gets Discord rank, early access to videos and shop updates.
Patron-VIP Discord channel access
Patreon-only voting power
Patron exclusive early YouTube video access
Early access to ceramic shop updates
"I really like your art" - $5 per month
This tier grants you access to all of the VIP Blue Nose Trading Discord channels, voting rights in polls and early access to YouTube videos. You also get (x1) token monthly to use for fun items in the Discord /shop!
Patron exclusive early YouTube video access
Patreon-VIP Discord channels access
Patron-only voting power
Early access to ceramic shop updates
(x1) Monthly token to use in the Discord /shop
"I heckin love your art" - $10 per month
This tier gets you everything in the lower tiers, plus a shoutout in my Instagram stories and (x2) tokens monthly to use for fun items in the Discord /shop!
Patron exclusive early YouTube video access
Patreon-VIP Discord channel access
Early access to ceramic shop updates
Patreon-only voting power
Shout-out in my Instagram story
Mailed monthly newsletter
(x2) Monthly tokens
"I give your art to everyone I know" - $15 per month
This tier gets you everything included in ALL lower tiers, PLUS 15% OFF all of your purchases from my webstore! This tier gets (x3) tokens monthly to use for fun items in the Discord /shop!
Patron exclusive early YouTube video access
Early access to ceramic shop updates
Patreon-VIP Discord channel access
Patreon-only voting power
Shout-out in my Instagram story
Mailed monthly newsletter
15% OFF at bluenosetrading.com
(x3) Monthly Tokens
Discord Patron Shop
All patrons will gain a select number of "Patron Tokens" each month on Discord to spend in the Discord shop on fun items.
Current Shop Items: (updated 7.1.22)
x1 Ticket: One extra entry into any active giveaway! (Cost 1 patron token)
x1 Sticker: One random Blue Nose Trading sticker. (Cost 3 patron tokens)
$10 store credit at bluenosetrading.com: Exchange your tokens for store credit on bluenosetrading.com. (Cost 10 patron tokens)
Birth chart reading PDF: This is a PDF file of your birth chart reading, including detailed archetypal information about the location of your personal planets within the houses and signs, as well as their major aspects to each other. (Cost 20 patron tokens)
Adopt a Second: Adoption fee for one random slightly imperfect pot mailed to your door. Could be any kind of pot, including but not limited to: mugs, cups, bowls, planters. *USA only* (Cost 25 patron tokens)
Random Planter: one randomly selected wheel thrown ceramic planter. Sizes vary, but typically between 3"-6". Firsts. *USA only* (Cost 30 patron tokens)
Random Mug: One randomly selected wheel thrown ceramic mug. Firsts. *USA only* (Cost 35 patron tokens)
To access the Patron Shop in Discord:
Log into the Discord Server and have a gold patron rank. (Rank is automatically applied when you become a patron.)
Go to the "patreon-token-shop" channel. (The /shop functions can only be accessed from this channel.)
Type /shop into the chat to open the shop menu and view currently available items.
Use /shop <item name> or /shop <item id> to get more details about an item.
Use /buy <item name> or /buy <item id> to buy an item.
Discord Shop Commands List:
Type /shop into the chat to open the shop menu and view currently available items.
/shop <item name> or /shop <item id> to get more details about an item.
/buy <item name> or /buy <item id> to buy an item.
/items to list the items you bought from the shop
/coins to see your current coin balance.
(If you have zero coins, J.A.R.V.I.S. will suggest that you claim your daily coins because that is just a thing he says automatically. There are NO daily coins, the only way to get coins is through Patreon.)
All patrons will have a gold patron rank on the Discord server and access to a "patreon-vip-room" chat channel.