I'm really sick of all the mainstream astrologers who reinforce the idea that Cancer are constantly whiney, moody or withdrawn. Sure, those are potential negative manifestations of that energy if it is not appropriately managed. But why are we so focused on the negative? Cancer are loving, nurturing, healing people; with proper boundaries in place and time for self-care, there is almost a total elimination of those stereotypical negative traits that come from trying to pour out of an empty cup. Instead of making every Cancer feel like a soggy sob story, why don't we remind them of how beautiful their souls are, and how important it is for them to take the time they need to heal and recharge themselves.
Evolved Cancer Traits: Loyal, compassionate, caring, nurturing, protective, intuitive, charming, sympathetic, emotionally connected, empathic, healing.
Talisman Themes: Cancer balancing. Abundance, strength, perseverance, patience, peace, self-examination, inner stability, composure, maturity, warmth, protection, self-confidence, family, boundaries, truth, love, compassion, tenderness, nourishment, comfort, self-love, relationships, beauty, creativity, inspiration, discipline, organization, efficiency, focus, deep thought, self-acceptance, self-trust, emotions, intuition.