I do not think that science, or the current powers that be will save our planet from its current state of ecological crisis. To save our planet, we as a people, will need to undergo a spiritual paradigm shift. We, the people of Earth, must learn to care and make choices that reflect that caring. In our collective choices, we will force the powers that be to bend and to save our planet. We must demand different, and reject that which exploits as often as is possible. We must refuse old religious teachings of our separateness from our planet. We must release the idea that our salvation lies beyond this Earth, which leaves this Earth open to unchecked exploitation. We must once again learn to live in harmony with our planet, and to retake our position as it's stewards.
We are ready for a system of beliefs that is more ecologically responsible, which is more open to the whole and encompasses a global integration of spiritual ideas, has a less rigid structure, a greater integral embodiment, an openness to mysticism, and is oriented towards the larger world community.
There is a strong undercurrent in the collective consciousness of desire to merge with a greater unity, to reconnect with the Earth and all forms of life, with the global community, the cosmos, the spiritual ground of life and with the community of being. We are desperately and existentially seeking re-enchantment.

Tori Solis, Mockingbird at White Rock Lake 2021