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Stone Symbolism Guide

Writer's picture: Tori SolisTori Solis

This page is a comprehensive list of the stones and crystals used in my work. This information has been organized alphabetically. Below you will find both the geological description of the mineral, as well as the symbolic and metaphysical uses of each stone. Information has been compiled from the sources at the bottom of the page.

Amazonite: Stone of Truth, Stone of Courage. Empowers you to search for self-truth and integrity, and to move beyond fear of judgement or confrontation with others to live in alignment with your own values and beliefs. Provides freedom to express your thoughts and feelings, and to set strong, clear boundaries, both internally as self-discipline, and externally with what you are willing to experience, or in defining personal space. Aligns body to the etheric plane. Encourages loving communication. Balances the masculine and feminine energies in personality. Awakens compassion for others through shared perspective. Talisman of healing and prosperity. Assists in communicating true thoughts and feelings in a balanced manner. Helps overcome loneliness and makes married life happier. Dispels negative business energy and protects against unfair business practices. Attracts new customers and encourages serendipitous moments. Luck stone for games of chance. Encourages tidiness and organization. Soothes trauma, calms the mind and alleviates worry and fear. Directs anger into positive action. Increases self-esteem and reduces self-neglect. Empowers manifestation of dream through speaking intentions. **Soft stone, be gentle. Amazonite: Light green, bright green, or blue-green variety of microcline feldspar. Amethyst: Artist's Stone. Healing for people, plants and animals. Stone of faithful lovers, supports relationships. Protects against psychic attacks. Returns negative energy back to the universe as positive energy. Calms and soothes emotions. Aids in overcoming addictions, promotes temperance. Initiates higher wisdom and understanding. Helpful in the mourning process. Enhances creativity and passion. Carries energy of fire, passion and spirituality. Strengthens imagination. Stimulates the Third Eye, Crown, and Etheric Chakras enhancing cognitive perception as well as accelerating the development of intuitive and psychic ability. Talisman of focus and success. Amethyst: During crystal growth, when trace amounts of iron are incorporated into a growing quartz crystal. After crystallization, gamma rays, emitted by radioactive materials within the host rock, irradiate the iron to produce the purple color. Angelite: Stone of Spiritual Healing. High vibrational stone that helps in connecting with higher-self and spirit guides. Raises state of conscious awareness while opening and aligning the throat, third eye and crown chakras. Calms overwhelming emotions, dispels fear, anxiety and anger while encouraging forgiveness and positivity. Enhances astrological understanding, psychic abilities and spirituality. A communication aid, helps one to speak your truth and encourages honest self-expression. Encourages one to live a life filled with intention and higher purpose, while facilitating the discovery your higher purpose. *Warning: Very soft stone, please handle with care. Avoid submerging this stone in water, pat dry when wet. * Angelite: Anhydrous calcium sulfate, is a mineral with the chemical formula CaSO₄. Forms in places where gypsum stones had previously been in contact with water, which then evaporates, leaving anhydrite crystals behind. When exposed or immersed into water, it transforms into gypsum, so avoid getting this stone wet. Angel Aura Quartz: Stone of the New Age. Warm, loving, sweet energy. Opens mind and heart to intuitive guidance from the universe and higher self. Promotes inner-peace, emotional stability, and inner clarity. Radiates joy and positivity. Amplifies programmed energy and intent. Aids in manifestation. Protects aura from negativity. Uplifting and protective, especially during pregnancy. Angel Aura Quartz: Silicon dioxide (SiO2) electrostatically bonded with platinum and silver. Apache Tear: The Mirror Stone. Comforts and supports in time of grieving. Protects from sorrow. Reveals inner demons and darkest truths. Highly protective personal stone. Grounding and shielding. Stone of truth that does not cater to ego. Can be a harsh and direct teaching stone. Eliminates negativity. Counters all forms of bullying. Excellent talisman for self-control and power management. Helpful in overcoming shock or trauma. Apache Tear: Forms when lava cools so rapidly that the atoms are unable to arrange themselves into a crystalline structure. Aquamarine: The Stone of the Sea. Embodies all things connected to the sea and heaven. Protective for all activities involving water, and helpful in learning to swim. Calms, soothes and cleanses the emotional body. A stone of symmetries, conducive in both mediation and revelation. Encourages us to explore the deepest parts of our souls, individually and with others. Helps in recognizing where the ego is over-reacting and promotes healthier relationships through the release of those patterns. Prompts learning about the self as well as the physical world. Inspires truth, trust and lends the power to let go of what no longer serves. Helps in overcoming resistance to transition and change. Aids in balancing fear and anger, helps in healing from past physical, emotional and verbal abuse. A stone of healers, shamans, prophets and mystics. Stone of luck, eternal youth and happiness. Opens channels for clear, heartfelt communications. Helps in overcoming the fear of speaking by relaxing the speaker into a state of consciousness where one is fully aware of their truths, wisdoms and feelings. Promotes the ability to articulate ideas with clarity and conviction. Gives strength to speak without anger in difficult situations. Bestows perseverance, discipline and lightheartedness. Accelerates intellectual reasoning to enhance the quality of quick decisions. Promotes the ideal of being of service to others, and the development of a humanity attuned to healing. Supports moderation and a sense of personal responsibility. Inspires the judgmental to be more tolerant, and helps the overwhelmed find order. A stone of justice, utilizes compromise and negotiation. Assists people with different lifestyles find harmony and reduces effects of sensitivities that cause quarrels. Increases commitment to relationships and fidelity. Aquamarine: A member of the beryl mineral family, aquamarine has a chemical composition of Be3Al2Si6O18. The greenish blue to blue color of aquamarine is caused by trace amounts of iron. Aventurine: Stone of Opportunity. Lucky stone, aligns conditions so that opportunities are inevitable. Brings optimism, perseverance, confidence and zest for life. Aids in embracing change. Enhances creativity and motivation. Amplifies leadership qualities. Strong earth connection, encourages appreciation of nature. Helpful in overcoming clumsiness. Soothing for quick tempers and harsh personalities. Diminishes domestic strife between partners. Encourages new love in later stages of life. Dissolves negativity. Balances feminine and masculine energies. Helpful in dealing with stress from a hectic lifestyle. Aventurine: a variety of translucent quartz or quartzite with abundant small plate- or flake-shaped inclusions of fuchsite, a green chromium-rich mica. Black Agate: Stone of Inner Stability. Protective, grounding stone. Low vibration, strengthening influence. Encourages perseverance, patience and peace. Promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. Stops the burning desire for things we do not need, and assists those juggling commitments or multiple jobs. Encourages a sense of reality and pragmatic thinking. Beneficial in self-analysis and uncovering hidden circumstances that might interfere with well-being. It promotes self-acceptance and confidence, encouraging the speaking of one's own truth. Agate overcomes negativity and bitterness of the heart, by healing anger, fostering love, and lending the courage to start over. Black Agate: A variety of chalcedony with black bands. Black Tourmaline: The Grounding Stone. Protects against all negative energy. Purifies your own negative thought patterns. Promotes power and self-confidence. Powerful protector and shield for empaths. Aids in replacing tension and stress with clarity, rationality and neutrality. Empowers those who must live or work in challenging environments or face difficult circumstances. Black Tourmaline: Boron silicate mineral. A durable sediment granule. Tourmaline is also relatively resistant to chemical weathering. Bloodstone: Christ’s Stone. Stone of noble sacrifice. Offers courage and solace for all called to give of themselves for the good of others. Brings out the most altruistic character of those who carry it. Talisman of good health and longevity. Mother goddess stone. Supportive of everything involving motherhood. Birthing aid. Brings respect, good fortune and wealth. Protects against deceptions. Aids in legal battles. Protects against bullying. Increases mental clarity in decision making. Provides mental boost when motivation is lacking. Promotes prosperity. Good luck charm for athletes. Teaches how chaos precedes transformation. Calms emotions, dispels confusion. Powerful talisman for terminally ill in facing mortality. Enhances decision making, self-worth, self-confidence and self-sufficiency. Bloodstone: A cryptocrystalline quartz with inclusions of chlorite, amphibole, and pyroxene are thought to contribute to the green base colors of bloodstone. The splashes of red are concentrations of iron oxide minerals - most likely hematite. Blue Apatite: Stone of Manifestation. Influences positive use of personal power to achieve goals. Clears away confusion, apathy and negativity. Stimulates intellect to gain knowledge and truth. Promotes humanitarianism and service to others. Aids in animal communication. Motivates while promoting independence and ambition. Public speaking and group communication aid. Helps in developing time management skills. Enhances creativity and awakens inner self. Useful in overcoming fear of dentists. Eases sorrow and anger while reducing irritability and emotional exhaustion. Encourages optimism. Gives insight into past lives. Blue Apatite: Phosphate mineral. Produced and used by biological micro-environmental systems. Traces of apatite have been found in moon rock samples by NASA. Blue Goldstone: Stone of Ambition. Promotes confidence, ambition, motivation and drive. Reduces tension and stress. Revitalizes the energy field and encourages a positive attitude. Soothes hypersensitivity and is helpful for empaths. Encourages new ideas and creative thinking. Encourages self-acceptance, self-confidence, self-expression and speaking one’s truth. Stone of protection, deflects unwanted energies. Blue Goldstone: Man-made glass infused with copper particles with additions of cobalt, manganese or chromium. Blue Lace Agate: The Diplomat’s Stone. Stone of encouragement and support. Calm, centering and uplifting energy. Encourages positive attitude and emotions. Stone of communication, helps one be heard and aids in confidence and articulation of the truth. Helps in finding diplomatic solutions in tense situations. Balances emotional, physical and intellectual energy. Inspires loyalty and trustworthiness. Aids in expression of emotions without loss of control. Dissolves old blockages of fear and doubt, permitting new methods of self-expression and growth. Helpful in overcoming fears of public speaking. Encourages discernment in the thoughts we share. Helps in keeping secrets. Promotes inner stability, composure and maturity. Helpful in overcoming postpartum depression. Healing for any kind of trauma. Encourages a sense of reality and pragmatic thinking. Helpful in self-analysis, self-acceptance, self-confidence and speaking your truth. Overcomes negativity and bitterness in the heart, promoting love and forgiveness. Raises awareness of collective consciousness. Blue Lace Agate: Banded chalcedony, white layers alternate with translucent layers that look blue. Like in blue chalcedony, the color is caused by Rayleigh scattering of light on tiny particles. Carnelian: The Singer’s Stone. Stimulating and empowering, attracts prosperity. Helps the timid become bold. Promotes courage and physical power. Masculine energy stone. Enhances love and passion. Inspires drive and determination in career. Clarifies voice and promotes clarity in live performance. Promotes idealism and sense of community. Inspires creativity. Protects against rage, envy and resentment while encouraging love and empathy. Promotes positive life choices. Stone of action, helps overcome procrastination and indecision. Carnelian: (SiO2) a variety of chalcedony and is a microcrystalline quartz. Formed from the intergrowth of two silica minerals with differing crystal structures: quartz and moganite. Chrysocolla: Stone of Communication. Stone devoted to expression, empowerment and teaching. Promotes stability, acceptance and inner-strength. Discharges negative energy, calms and allows for inner truth and wisdom to be heard. Emphasizes the power of our words and actions. Helps in choosing words wisely and understanding their impact on others. Encourages compassion and strengthening of character. Simultaneously stimulates the mind and relaxes the emotions, dispelling highly charged emotions such as anger and fear. Empowers feminine energy. Emphasizing genuine power is best expressed through gentle kindness. Stone of the Goddess. Stone of forgiveness, peace, compassion and spontaneity. Talisman of musicians; excellent aid in learning a new instrument, joining a band, choir or theater, and inspires confidence to play on stage. Helps one to express their knowledge and experience through writing, painting, music, crafts or acting. Encourages one to stay closer to home more often. Diminishes the anxiety and depression that often come with seclusion. Beneficial to people with wandering, restless temperaments. Teaches the value of expression, and the virtue of silence. Chrysocolla: It contains a varying substitution of elements and water content in its chemical structure. Basic copper silicate, often with some aluminum. The composition of this mineral is usually variable and it therefore lacks a definite chemical composition. A secondary alteration mineral in the oxidation zone of copper deposits, hydrothermal replacement deposits, and in igneous rocks. Citrine: Merchant's Stone. Stone of manifestation, imagination and personal will. Carries power of the Sun. Awakens creativity and imagination. Does not hold or accumulate negative energy, and therefore never needs cleansing. Transforms negative thoughts into positive ones. Assists in working to acquire wealth, prosperity and success. Encourages generosity. Smooths over family or group problems, promotes solutions and cohesion. Helps in understanding and managing absorbed impressions of others. Attracts love and happiness. Shields from spite and jealousy. Helpful in overcoming depression. Reduces sensitivity to criticism. Raises self-esteem and encourages self-expression. Citrine: Occurs when Amethyst is heated. A macrocrystalline form of quartz. Clear Quartz: The Perfect Jewel. Supreme gifts of mother earth. Opens mind and heart to higher guidance. Amplifies programmed energy and intent. Aids in manifestation. Protects aura from negativity. Enhances clarity, cleanses soul. Every quartz stone has its own unique energy and personality. Enhances communication with plants, animals, minerals and divine. Brings harmony and sense of purpose. Clear Quartz: Silicon dioxide (SiO2) Coral Agate: Stone of the Ocean Garden. Promotes inner stability, composure and maturity. Encourages security and self-confidence. Helpful in stopping desires for things we do not need. Assists in multitasking. Promotes marital fidelity. Protective stone for traveling. Inspires creativity. Emotional healer, promotes inner peace. Encourages growth, universal truth, understanding and acceptance of change. Coral Agate: Agatized coral occurs when silica in the ocean water hardens, replacing the limey corals with a form of quartz known as chalcedony. This long process (20-30 million years) results in the formation of a "pseudomorph," meaning that one mineral has replaced another without having lost its original form. Crazy Lace Agate: Laughter Stone. Stone of support and encouragement, elevates thoughts and promotes optimism. Creates a circular flow of energy which stimulates mind and attitude. Low intensity vibration, stabilizing and strengthening influence. Balances emotional, physical and intellectual energies. Promotes mental agility, liveliness, variety and flexibility in your thinking and action. Promotes fun and laughter. Helpful in overcoming fear of spiders and other crawling insects. Useful in preventing sudden fears or bad vibrations when visiting really old places. Encourages security and self-confidence. Promotes marital fidelity. Helpful in overcoming depression or despair. Increases self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-confidence. Absorbs emotional pain. Useful for any kind of trauma. Crazy Lace Agate: A banded microcrystalline quartz infused with iron and aluminum that is often brightly colored with complex patterning. Exclusively found in Chihuahua, Mexico. Dalmatian Stone: Stone for Joyful Fun. Fortifies the spirit and encourages playfulness. Encourages loyalty and emotional harmony. Helpful in calming, training and communicating with pets, especially dogs. Supports balance of yin and yang energies. Nourishes and helps one stay connected with the inner child. Promotes fidelity and emotional harmony, leading to stable family life and strong long-term relationships. Encourages careful thinking over and development of plans for successful execution. Calms and soothes emotions. Dalmatian Stone: An igneous microcrystalline quartz with a mixture of other minerals creating the speckled look. Dendritic Agate: Stone of Plentitude. Also called “tree agate”. Brings abundance to all areas of life. Low vibration, strengthening influence. Encourages perseverance, patience and peace. Strong connection to plant energy. Ideal stone for self-examination and behavioral change. Promotes inner stability, composure and maturity. Warm, protective properties which encourage self-confidence. Helps new mothers avoid postpartum depression. Promotes marital fidelity. Strengthens family connections. Protective stone for air and car travel. Assists in overcoming emotional boundary violations and emotional strain. Heals pain of unhappy childhood or effects of divorce. Heals anger, fosters love and lends the courage needed to start over. Useful in healing any kind of trauma. Encourages speaking your truth. Dendritic Agate: distinctive inclusions that resemble vegetation in dendritic agate are a result of the presence of manganese and iron oxides finding their way into cracks of white quartz as it forms. Emerald: Stone of Successful Love. Symbolic of spring, hope for the future, youth and growth. Nurtures and heals the heart chakra. Aids in finding love, promotes balance between partners, friendship, domestic bliss, loyalty and contentment. Embodies unity, compassion and unconditional love. Encourages one to live and act with love, as well as to be open to receiving love from others. Beneficial in stimulating cooperation and understanding within a group of people. Heals heartbreak and gives one the strength to overcome misfortunes. Soothing energy with provides a deep soul healing and brings a fresh spirit of vitality to the soul. A revealer of truths, inspires ongoing search for meaning, justice, compassion and harmony. Stimulates visualization and intuition to help one realize their personal truth. Brings inspiration, patience and wisdom. Enhances focus, intent, mental clarity and memory capabilities. Helps in combining intelligence with discernment. Promotes passion, ambition, confidence and self-esteem. Clears away negative thought patterns of victimization and loss of personal power. Excellent for reviving passion and interest, activates creativity and brings focus and intensity into one’s lifework. Encourages one to experience true abundance that is well beyond financial wealth, allowing one to embraces all of life’s experiences and gifts with gratitude. Emerald in Fuchsite: Beryl, the mineral of which emerald is a variety, has a chemical composition of Be3Al2(SiO3)6. Trace amounts of chromium or vanadium in the mineral cause it to develop a green color. Trace amounts of iron will tint emerald a bluish green or a yellowish green color depending upon its oxidation state. Fuchsite is a green variety of muscovite mica. It differs from most other muscovite by having a variable amount of trivalent chromium substituting for aluminum within the mineral. Chromium is the source of fuchsite’s green color. Fire Agate: Flame of Absolute Perfection. Contains essence of fire. Stone of integrity, encourages high standard of behavior in self and others. Promotes passion and love of life. Low intensity strengthening vibration. Provides strong steady energy and zest for living. Lights inner life force, creativity, sexuality and will. Brings divine blueprint of one’s life purpose to light. Helps manifest divine guidance through action, and assists in taking action in unclear circumstances. Provides courage to forge your own path. Ideal for banishing the stupor and humdrum of routine. Can stir emotions of others when worn. Stimulates sexual and physical energy. Stone of creativity and expression, ideal for overcoming artistic blocks. Crystal of ambition and high achievement. Promotes inner stability, composure and maturity. Stone of protection, sends negativity back to source. Helps end desire for things we do not need. Assists in multitasking. Promotes marital fidelity. Strong earth energy. Benefits in self-analysis. Promotes self-acceptance, confidence, and encourages speaking your own truth. Overcomes negativity and bitterness of the heart, heals anger, foster love and gives courage to start again. Fire Agate: A variety of chalcedony containing inclusions of goethite or limonite, producing an iridescent effect. Garnet: Stone of Strength, Stone of Tangible Truth. Assists in manifesting a realistic version of the physical world and maintaining a calm connection to the present. Stone of physical love and physical relationships. Stone of psychic protection. Inspires charity and compassion. Stone of intense feelings. Strengthens survival instincts. Useful in times of crisis. Boosts courage and hope. Enhances self-esteem. Uplifts attitude. Promotes success in business and business relationships. Helpful to widows in finding new love. Sharpens perception of self and others. Stone of commitment to purpose. Garnet (almandine): (Fe3Al2(SiO4)3) Forms at convergent plate boundaries where shale is being acted upon by regional metamorphism. The heat and pressure of metamorphism breaks chemical bonds and causes minerals to recrystallize into structures that are stable under the new temperature-pressure environment. Geode: Spherical to subspherical rock structures with an internal cavity lined with minerals such as agate and quartz. Green Fluorite: Crystal of Purpose. Supports spirituality. Encourages thought, focus, concentration and balance in life. Boosts aptitude and discernment. Excellent study aid. Helpful in the absorption of new information and sharpens problem solving skills. Expands consciousness, encouraging a greater mental, spiritual and psychic awareness. Promotes creativity, inspiring new ideas, originality and quick thinking. Clears away negative energy and mental fog. Helps in healing emotional issues of the heart. Enables the release of emotional trauma and outworn conditioning. Said to attract butterflies. *Warning: Soft stone, handle with care. * Green Fluorite: CaF2 Hematite: Grounding Stone. Balancing. Absorbs toxic emotions. Enhances confidence and strength in times of turmoil. Sharpens survival instincts. Aids in manifestation. Calms stress, anxiety and worry. Strengthens self-confidence. Stone of protection. Hematite: (Fe2O3), one of several iron oxides. The oldest known iron oxide mineral that has ever formed on Earth. Howlite: The Calming Stone. Calms emotions, soothes overactive mind, promotes peaceful sleep, reduces stress, anger and anxiety. Strengthens memory and promotes a desire for knowledge. Teaches patience and attunes spirit to higher consciousness. Promotes creativity and self-expression. Tempers anger and encourages discernment and consideration before reacting. Encourages calm and controlled emotional expression. Strengthens positive character traits that reflect the higher self. Helps in forming goals and in following through in manifestation. Helpful in coping with grief, trauma and depression. Facilitates an open mind, wisdom, understanding, mindfulness and perspective. Supports the formation and maintenance of healthy boundaries. Howlite: A calcium borosilicate hydroxide (Ca2B5SiO9(OH)5), is a borate mineral found in evaporite deposits. Jade: Dream Stone. Amulet of good luck and friendship. Heals feelings of guilt and defeat. Encourages individuality. Crystal of love. Supportive for all healers in making decisions. Protects against deceptions. Peace through strength. Soothes mind. Helps in remembering dreams. Relinquishes self-imposed limitations. Provides confidence, self-assuredness, self-reliance and self-sufficiency. Improves dysfunctional relationships. Restores dignity to anyone mocked for being different. Abundance stone. Jade: An aluminum-rich pyroxene. Kambaba Jasper: Stone of Peace and Tranquility. Stone of comfort and protection. Alleviates stress, induces tranquility. Eliminates negative energy. Banishes harmful thoughts. Gives strength to the heartbroken. Encourages financial prosperity. Protective for hikers and divers. Aids intuitive knowledge in housing exotic fish and reptiles. Encourages creativity. Expands one’s ability to focus. Kambaba Jasper: Rhyolite of volcanic origin. Kyanite: Stone of Emotion. Inspires loyalty and fair treatment to others. Beneficial in negotiations, diplomatic missions, arbitration and other forms of communication between disharmonious people, allowing disparate energies to move into resonance and find a common frequency. Promotes productive communication, bridging the gap between differing beliefs and ideas, while encouraging self-expression and speaking one's truth. Grounding energy, supports environmental healing. Helpful in overcoming self-destructive behavioral patterns. Kyanite: Al2SiO5. Forms from the high-pressure alteration of clay minerals during metamorphism of sedimentary rocks. Heat resistant and expands when heated. Labradorite: Stone of the Northern Lights. Stone of magic. Excellent for awakening one's own awareness of inner spirit and psychic abilities. Powerful protector, shields against negativity and misfortunes. Brings out the best in people. Encourages excellent customer service. Reduces anti-social, reckless and impulsive behaviors. Calms an overactive mind and energizes the imagination. Brings forgotten memories to light and facilitates their understanding. Encourages contemplation and introspection. Protects aura from energy drains and leaks. Tempers negative side of one’s personality. Labradorite: A feldspar mineral of the plagioclase series that is most often found in mafic igneous rocks such as basalt, gabbro, and norite. It is also found in anorthosite, an igneous rock. Light enters the stone, strikes a twinning surface within the stone, and reflects from it. Lapis Lazuli: Stone of Universal Truth. Stimulates wisdom and good judgement in the practical world. Activates the higher mind to enhance intellectual ability, increases problem solving skills and energizes creativity. Stimulates desire for knowledge, truth and understanding. Enhances memory and aids in learning. Encourages honesty in spirit, as well as in spoken word. Useful in all forms of deep communication. Stone of friendship, bringing harmony to relationships and families. Attracts promotions and lasting recognition in your field of work. Increase self-awareness and self-acceptance. Releases stress, encouraging peace and serenity. Blocks psychic attacks and returns them to their source. Lapis Lazuli: Mainly derived of lazurite, a blue silicate mineral of the sodalite group with a chemical composition of (Na,Ca)8(AlSiO4)6(S,Cl,SO4,OH)2. Usually contains calcite and pyrite. Sodalite, hauyne, wollastonite, afghanite, mica, dolomite, diopside, and a diversity of other minerals. Larimar: The Dolphin Stone. Embodies tranquility of the sea and sky, brings forth wisdom of dolphins. Stone of serenity, promotes relaxation in every sense. Soothes tempers, calms fear, relieves stress and provides nourishment to the emotional body. Guiders excess passion into peace. Assists in communicating emotions and boundaries in ways that others can hear and understand. Stone of clear communication, provides strength and courage needed to speak openly and from the heart. Talisman to help singers enhance and protect their voice. Particularly helpful in releasing emotional bonds, patterns or principles that no longer serve the highest good. Assists in identifying self-imposed limitations and self-sabotaging behavior and encourages one to take control of their life. Powerful emotional cleanser and healer, particularly helpful in admitting guilt and bringing a sense of peace to honesty. Powerful stone for use in mediation to connect with the divine feminine, encourages women to reach their highest potential and men to connect with their feminine, receptive and intuitive nature. Helpful for mothers both during and after pregnancy. Relives post-partum depression and relaxes the stress associated with new parenthood. Beneficial in finding a soul mate. Facilitates the healing of unresolved issues of the heart from past and past life relationships. Aids in removing defensive wall one has built around their heart, and allows for clearing of deep emotional patterns. Helps one to reconnect with their natural joyful and childlike energy. Teaches to first love, respect and nurture yourself before giving those resources to others. Supportive for all types of healers and caregivers. Larimar: A rare blue variety of Pectolite, Larimar is found only in the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean. It occurs as needle-like crystals, grown together in a solid mass and forms in cavities within basaltic lava. The copper substitution in Pectolite instead of calcium produces beautiful translucent shades of soft blues, white and turquoise marked with streaks and patterns of white, and may contain red or brown areas of oxidation or Hematite inclusions. Lava Rock: Volcanic Rock. Strong Earth connection, grounding. Promotes courage, calm and stability. Aromatherapy essential oil diffuser, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Lava Rock: a dark-colored, fine-grained, igneous rock composed mainly of plagioclase and pyroxene minerals. It most commonly forms as an extrusive rock, such as a lava flow, but can also form in small intrusive bodies, such as an igneous dike or a thin sill. Leopard Rhyolite: Jaguar Stone. Often referred to as “leopard jasper”. Enhances creativity. Promotes balance, courage and understanding. Aid in raising self-esteem and self-worth. Helpful in finding resolutions and facilitating change. Grounding for emotional calm while handling difficult issues. Shamanic power stone for connecting with animal guides and journeying. Stone of protection. Calming and cleansing for aura. Leopard Rhyolite: Orbicular rhyolite. A volcanic igneous rock, the approximate chemical composition of a granite (high silica, potassium and sodium). Lepidolite: Stone of Transition. Helps in stabilizing mood and balancing emotions by inducing a sense of calm and tranquility. Stone of deep emotional healing, dispels negativity and leads on to the highest good. Brings awareness to your current state of being. Clears crown chakra blockages and brings forth cosmic awareness. Assists in the release of old patterns to induce gentle change. Helps in overcoming addictions and emotional dependency. Encourages self-love, self-trust, self-soothing and independence. Combines the powers of objectivity and direction with clear communication. A lullaby stone, expresses the importance of a good night’s sleep. *Warning: Soft stone, please handle with care. * Lepidolite: A lithium-rich mica mineral that is usually pink, red, or purple in color, often mixed with quartz. Mahogany Obsidian: Stone of Closure. Reveals unconscious memories of shame, humiliation or abuse, and helps one recognize the cycle of dismay caused by insults, and false accusations. Dispels feelings of unworthiness. Encourages self-esteem and self-worth. Provides strength in times of need. Revitalizes one’s power, drive and initiative. Protective and grounding stone. Mahogany Obsidian: Natural glass obsidian with iron inclusions that create the visual mahogany stripes and swirls. Malachite: Stone of Protection. Absorbs negative energies and pollutants, picking them up from the atmosphere and from the body. Transformation stone, helping individuals through changing situations and growth. Encourages risk-taking and change, breaks unwanted ties and outworn patterns, and teaches how to take responsibility for one’s actions, thoughts and feelings. Represents the innate beauty of flowers, trees, roots and plants. Draws out impurities and stimulates the life force throughout the aura and the body. Said to break as warning of significant danger. Helpful in overcoming fears of flying. Protects against accidents. Stimulates clear thinking. Supports friendship and empathy. Helps in battling depression and healing emotional abuse, especially that from childhood. Encourages healthy relationships based in love. Assists in overcoming fear of confrontation, or fear of being seen or noticed, and helps one find the strength within to assume their rightful place in the Universe. Malachite: Malachite is a green copper carbonate hydroxide mineral with a chemical composition of Cu2(CO3)(OH)2. Mookaite: Stone of Bold Beauty. Invigorating frequency of strength, vitality and increased life force. Promotes ageless spirit and willingness to accept change and seek new opportunities. Awakens instincts to right decisions. Useful in connecting with Earth energy to increase self-confidence, self-worth and to realize full potential. Overcomes procrastination by revealing the real reason for avoiding certain tasks and provides motivation to move forward. Focusing and grounding. Amplifies instincts in decision making. Emanates the energy of animal knowledge. Helps find the right path in both physical and non-physical travels. Support stone for going beneath the surface of emotions to find core emotional upsets. Allows change and chance without fear. Encourages flexibility. Mookaite: a crypto- to microcrystalline quartz rock, which forms in the weathering profile of a geological formation called Windalia Radiolarite in Western Australia. Radiolarite is a siliceous, fine-grained, chert-like, and homogeneous sedimentary rock that is composed predominantly of the microscopic remains of radiolarians. Moonstone: The Traveler’s Stone. Carries power of the moon and mystery. Talisman of the inward journey of self. Stone of the Goddess. Stimulates psychic perception. Protection for travel at night. Opens heart to acceptance of love. Aids artists in self-expression. Calms and soothes emotions. Opens mind to the powers of hoping, wishing, inspiration, impulse, serendipity and synchronicity. Brings flashes of insight. Fertility crystal. Moonstone: gemstone of the feldspar group. Moss Agate: Stone of Growth. Crystal of gardeners. Low intensity, slow vibration. Strengthening and stabilizing. Excellent for balancing emotional, physical and intellectual energies. Harmonizes yin and yang. Stone of abundance, beneficial to agricultural pursuits. Stone of wealth, attracts all forms of abundance. Draws in new business for the self-employed. A stone of new beginnings, can be used as a birthing aid. Strengthens body in times of stress. Steadies energies of those who feel unstable or ungrounded. Enhances mental concentration, persistence and endurance. Excellent aid for exercise programs. Cleansing for personal energy, as well as for the environment. Reduces sensitivity to weather. Brings new friendships. Stimulates a positive self-image, strengthens constructive personality traits and encourages harmony in working with others. Helpful in overcoming depression. Encourages spiritualization in all aspects of life, raising awareness to the collective consciousness. Opens lines of communications with plants and nature spirits. Moss Agate: A variety of Chalcedony frequently containing green mineral inclusions such as Chlorite, Hornblende, etc., or brown to black dendrites of iron or manganese oxides. Noreena Jasper: Stone of Endurance. Grounding. Encourages optimism and ageless living. Aids in acceptance of change. Grounding and protective. Stirs imagination and creative thinking. Promotes courage and endurance. Stabilizing energy. Aligns energy with nature. Helpful for inner journey and mediation. Noreena Jasper: A silicified mudstone found exclusively in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Obsidian: The Mirror Stone. Reveals inner demons and darkest truths. Highly protective personal stone. Grounding and shielding. Stone of truth that does not cater to ego. Helpful in assessing one’s own behavioral patterns. Can be a harsh and direct teaching stone. Eliminates negativity. Counters all forms of bullying. Excellent talisman for self-control and power management. Helpful in overcoming shock or trauma. Obsidian: Forms when lava cools so rapidly that the atoms are unable to arrange themselves into a crystalline structure. Ocean Jasper: Atlantis Stone. Brings spirit of peace and letting go. Attunes one to nature and physical body. Slow, steady frequency with circular energy that embodies the interconnectedness of all things. Spherical patterns remind of how our thoughts, actions and words flow in a circular direction and return to us. Cultivates patience and helps in coping with change. Helpful in gaining insight into past lives. Ideal focus stone for grounding meditation. Alleviates stress and induces tranquility. Eliminates negative energies in the aura. Encourages completion of tasks. Ocean jasper: A spherulitic variety of Chalcedony, micro-crystallized Quartz colored by oxides, iron and other impurities, with Quartz and Feldspar forming the spherical (orbicular) structures. Found only along the northwest coast of Madagascar, mined at low tide. Onyx: The Scrying Stone. Amulet of protection. Absorbs and transforms negative energy, preventing drains to your personal energy field. Shields against negative thoughts and criticisms. Keeps instincts and senses sharp. Deflects criticism and defends against manipulation or argumentative people. Supportive in times of stress, confusion or grief. Aids in energy retention, enabling you to build up vigor, vitality and stamina. Boosts self-confidence and assertion while bringing reason to passion. Excellent tool for keeping a cool, level head. Stimulates intuitive powers. Tool to help you find moral virtues and a meaningful existence, helping to attract friendships and opportunities with good moral ethics. Onyx: Uniformly black chalcedony, opaque microcrystalline quartz. Peridot: The Extreme Gem. Helps you attune to and regulate the cycles of life. Aids in the dissipation of negative thought patterns. Aids in removing blockages in order to move forward. Helpful in overcoming addiction. Wounded healer stone, helps guide you to help others through challenges you have already overcome. Alleviates fear, guilt, anxiety and impatience. Empowers forgiveness and alleviates destructive self-doubt and jealousy caused by past betrayal. Encourages peaceful sleep. Talisman of luck. Helpful in adding charm and eloquence to your presentations. Evokes positive, helpful responses from normally unhelpful people. Protects against gossip, envy and deception. Peridot: A magnesium iron silicate with the formula (Mg2+, Fe2+)2SiO4.

Picasso Jasper: Supreme Nurturer. Resonates with the primal self. Encourages presence in the physical body and consciousness of nature. Encourages celebration of isolated moments to absorb, reflect and connect with the energies of nature. Grounding, stabilizing, comforting, strengthening, healing. Sacred and powerful stone of protection, for both physical and spiritual realms. Inspires creative visualization, ideal for overcoming artistic blocks. Encourages initiative. Inspires confidence, creative vision and practical application to starting a business and personal endeavors. Aids in long term self-discovery. Picasso jasper: Opaque microcrystalline quartz. Picture Jasper: Stone of Environmental Awareness. Deep, grounding Earth connection. Encourages ecological responsibility. Inspires bringing joy to others. Inspires creative visualization, ideal for overcoming artistic blocks. Encourages initiative. Inspires confidence, creative vision and practical application to starting a business. Aids in long term self-discovery and healing. Protective and nurturing stone. Picture Jasper: Opaque microcrystalline quartz. Pietersite: Stone of the Tempest. Contains the beauty and essence of the storm. Discharges negative energy and emotional turmoil. Increases personal will and inspiration. Grounds body to etheric realms. Powerful protection stone against the elements. Calms people and animals during storms. Protects when driving in bad weather. Extremely supportive stone in overcoming any addictions. Grows self-esteem with consistent wear. Empowers creative people to have confidence in their gifts. Brings up any pent up, internalized feelings or conflicts to the surface; clears the air and allows healing to begin. Clears stagnant energies and habits. Reveals new opportunities and supports you in their undertaking. Removes illusion of separation and removes beliefs and conditioning imposed by others. Brings one to their own inner truth and self. Useful in tarot and other divine practices. Pietersite: a variety of chalcedony quartz with embedded fibers of amphibole minerals in varying degrees of alteration. Plume Agate: Stone of Inner Stability. Low vibration, strengthening influence. Encourages perseverance, patience and peace. Promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. Stops the burning desire for things we do not need, and assists those juggling commitments or multiple jobs. Encourages a sense of reality and pragmatic thinking. Beneficial in self-analysis and uncovering hidden circumstances that might interfere with well-being. It promotes self-acceptance and confidence, encouraging the speaking of one's own truth. Agate overcomes negativity and bitterness of the heart, by healing anger, fostering love, and lending the courage to start over. Plume Agate: A variety of chalcedony with contrasting colored, plume-like structures within the material. Poppy Jasper: Supreme Nurturer. Joyful stone associated with poppies and remembrance. Brings cheer and vitality. Reminds humanity to help one another. Motivates you to experience new things. Encourages the development of new ideas. Resonates with the primal self. Encourages presence in physical body and consciousness of nature. Encourages celebration of isolate moments to absorb, reflect and connect with the energies of nature. Grounding, stabilizing, comforting, strengthening, healing. Sacred and powerful stone of protection, for both physical and spiritual realms. Poppy jasper: Opaque microcrystalline quartz. Purple Fluorite: Dream Crystal. Peace giving, connects mind with spirit. Purifies mind and enhances mental perception. Stone of protection, which grows stronger over time. Ideal for overcoming disorganization. Increases thought and concentration. Study aid, helps in absorption of new information, improves memorization and retention. Therapeutic for those who dislike physical contact. Focus stone for maintaining discipline in workout routine. Helpful in working through complex problems. Expands consciousness, mental, psychic and spiritual awareness. *Warning: Soft stone, handle with care. * Purple fluorite: (CaF2) Calcium fluoride. Pyrite: Crystal of Positive Energy. Masculine energy stone. Stone of action, vitality and will. Taps into your abilities and potential to stimulate the flow of ideas. Brings confidence and persistence to carry ideas to completion. Protective earth energy shields against negativity, emotional attacks and physical harm. Supports a spirit of bold and assertive action when protecting others, protecting the planet, or standing up for important community issues. Guards against ongoing control, criticism or manipulation. Energizes immediate space and increases vitality. Helps overcome intellectual fatigue of an overworked mind. Increases mental clarity and recall capabilities. Inspires creativity, ambition, commitment and perseverance. Encourages leadership qualities and aids those seeking career advancement. Empowers spirit to overcome fear and take action. Manifestation aid. Pyrite: (FeS2) Iron sulfide. Can be used to create the sparks needed for starting a fire if it is struck against metal or another hard material. Rainbow Obsidian: Stone of Heaven’s Eye. Gentle obsidian with strong protective properties. Helps you search your soul and psyche to find root causes of emotional trauma and stress. Helps in cutting ties with the past which are absorbing too much of your time. Brings hope, illumination and energy into the most blocked and stagnant areas of the emotional body. Absorbs negative energies from aura. Brings gratification and enjoyment to life. Excellent stone in healing any form of shock, trauma or blockages. Tool for therapists to get to the root of issues and absorbs energies released as a result. Blocks geopathic stress. Counters all forms of bullying and gossip. Very beneficial stone to people of a soft hearted, gentle or sensitive nature. Rainbow Obsidian: A type of black obsidian that, when polished and exposed to bright light, reveals iridescent layers caused by nanoparticle inclusions of the mineral pyroxene. Red Jasper: Stone of Endurance. Grounding. Alleviated stress. Returns negativity to its source. Protects against physical dangers. Aids in balancing sexual compatibility, sexual expression and passion. Stimulates passion and endurance in creative endeavors. Helps manifest new ideas, and follow through on projects. Stone of empowerment, brings strength, stamina, focus, vibrance, determination and courage. Promotes justice. Restores balance. Helpful for clearing the mind for meditation. Helpful for focusing energy in astral and shamanic journey work. Red Jasper: Opaque microcrystalline quartz. Rhodochrosite: Stone of Compassion. Soothing, tender loving stone of unconditional love energy. Directs love first towards self for emotional healing. Empowers one to honestly examine old wounds, suppressed feelings and childhood traumas, allowing one to acknowledge and release pain, destructive behavior patterns and coping mechanisms. Vibration of self-love, forgiveness and compassion for the child within us. Helps reclaim joy, playfulness and creativity. Inspires a dynamic and positive attitude. Helps get through self-doubt on the quest for emotional happiness. Encourages telepathic links between family members and animals. Can be used as a call back crystal to connect with those who have crossed. Encourages healing the planet and demonstrates the joy in that responsibility. Aids children in major life transitions. Helps in becoming a mature adult by healing the wounds of childhood and allowing one to better understand and forgive one’s parents. Support stone for anyone who works with children. Ideal stone for healing sexual abuse. Rhodochrosite: Manganese carbonate, but the manganese is frequently replaced by iron, magnesium and/or calcium as shown in this formula: (Mn,Fe,Mg,Ca)CO3 Rhodonite: Stone of Gentle Healing. Excellent stone of heart chakra. Heals emotional wounds of the past. Nurtures the inner-self, empowering you to reach your full potential. Focuses the use of your gifts and talents for the betterment of all. Stone of purpose, cooperation, community, altruism and generosity. Emotional healing stone. Calms emotional shock and pain. Provides grounding support in the process of dealing with painful issues. Resonates forgiveness. Gently releases resentments, anger and self-destructive tendencies. Allows sight of both sides of an issue to reach reconciliation. Encourages love of others. Aligns spirit with the universe to recognize your purpose, and how your gifts can bring positive change to the world. Dispels anxiety and keeps you centered in challenging situations. Aids in holding back insults and teaches that revenge and retaliation are self-destructive. Protects against envy. Increases self-assurance and helps overcome feelings of inadequacy. Use to regain equilibrium emotionally and physically after periods of grief, loss, illness, financial disappointment, heartache or intense unhappiness. Wear after breakup to learn to love yourself and value your own company. Exceptional healer for mental scars of violence, relieving pain of unrequited love. Healing for speech and hearing, can increase sensitivity to music and sounds. Rhodonite: a pink manganese silicate mineral of variable composition that often contains significant amounts of iron, magnesium, and calcium. It has a generalized chemical composition of (Mn,Fe,Mg,Ca)SiO3 Rose Quartz: Stone of Unconditional Love. Feminine energy stone. Promotes love, compassion, peace, tenderness, healing, nourishment and comfort. Dissolves emotional wounds, fears and resentments. Encourages self-love. Talisman of relationships. Inspires love of beauty in all things. Helps in healing all wounds of the heart. Promotes peaceful dreams. Rose Quartz: The pink color of rose quartz is attributed to microscopic inclusions of a pink variety of the mineral dumortierite. Rutilated Quartz: Venus Hair Stone. Amplifies energies, thoughts and energizes higher mind. Enhances clairsentience. Increases intuition. Manifestation aid. Powerful, programmable amplifier of energy and intention. Aid for spiritual growth, helps connect and communicate with spirit. Promotes creativity and individuality. Cleanses aura and dispels negativity, purifies toxic thoughts. Fosters joy, peace, forgiveness and serenity. Rutilated Quartz: Rutilated quartz is a form of clear quartz that is characterized by the presence of strands of rutile within the structure of the quartz crystal. Sapphire: The Gem of Wisdom. Promotes order, self-discipline, focus and structure. Provides assistance in following through on the manifestation of any plans or dreams, even those which seem impossible. Grounds ideas to reality and encourages persistence in their completion. Brings order, balance, strength, focus and healing to the mind. Exceptional for releasing mental tension and unwanted thoughts. Encourages opening one’s mind to beauty and intuition in order to bring lightness and joy. Frees one from “inner prisons” and self-inflicted psychic suffering of the mind. Transmutes negative thoughts and energies. Assists in developing a deeper understanding of oneself, which helps those who are easily swayed by others to be more secure in their own opinions and personal truth. Helpful in overcoming feelings of inferiority and fears of socializing or speaking out. Promotes looking beneath the surface to uncover deeper truths and to utilize that knowledge. Helps one to stay true to their spiritual path, providing focus, self-discipline and clear vision. Symbolizes integrity and is beneficial to all legal and contractual undertakings. Stone of love, commitment and fidelity. Talisman of wise, honest leadership, beneficial to those who wish to work in business without compromising integrity or personal values. Sapphire: A variety of Corundum, an aluminum oxide mineral that forms in prismatic tabular, bipyramidal or rhombohedral crystals, as well as granular or massive habits, and may be transparent to opaque. Though it comes in a variety of colors, in the case of blue sapphire iron and titanium provide its hue. Seashell: Gift of the Sea. Protection from negativity. Water energy. Promotes love, peace, beauty and fertility. Feminine energy. Symbol of independence, solitude, and self-reliance. Inspire divine creativity and ancestral memory. Encourages prosperity and abundance. Seashell: Exoskeleton of mollusks, made of calcium and protein. Form from the bottom up, creating three clear layers: an uncalcified outer proteinaceous periosteum, a calcified prismatic layer and an inner pearly calcified layer of nacre. Selenite: Stone of the Moon Goddess. Feminine energy stone. Carries a high frequency with intense energy. One of the best stones for opening, clearing and activating crown chakra. Ideal for meditation, spiritual work, connecting to ancient wisdom and knowledge, and aids in gaining access to spirit guides. Attuned to the greater good of all beings. Opens one to higher levels of self. Helps develop the mind and mental powers. Talisman of radiance and harmony. Supportive through all life cycles. Attract love, fertility and maintains fidelity. Enhances chances of reconciliation. Used for purification and cleansing. Amplifies power of other stones. Aids in material pursuits. Fosters harmonious partnerships, and brings insight and good judgement during disagreements or negotiations. Encourages calming and stabilization of erratic emotions. Helps clear away confusion, feelings of inadequacy, jealousy and doubt. Allows one to see the inner workings of situations. Encourages flexibility. Brings divine light into everything it touches. *Warning: Very soft stone, please handle with care. * Selenite: (CaSO4.2H2O) A soft sulfate mineral composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate. Shark tooth fossil: Talisman of protection, strength and masculinity. Increases survival instincts and primal knowing. Promotes self-confidence, self-trust and self-acceptance. Attracts good fortune and affluence. Honors the sea and one’s ancestors. Supports your ability to transform and grow by encouraging being receptive to new ideas. According to Hawaiian legend, said to offer special protection against shark attacks and drowning. Shark tooth fossil: Most often composed of silica and quartz. Hundreds of thousands to millions of years old. Color of the fossil is determined by the sediment the tooth was preserved in. Iron rich sediment produce reddish-brown fossils; phosphate rich sediment produces black fossils. **Ethical sourcing**: 25% of sharks are endangered due to human activity. I only use fossilized teeth in my work. Modern (white) shark teeth encourage poaching. Even if you are able to somehow guarantee that your white tooth is sourced from a shark that died of natural causes, interest creates demand. Demand leads to an increase in prices, and higher prices lead to poaching. Serpentine: Snake Stone. Represents initiation and transformation. Supports psychic energy, wisdom and creativity. Representative of mystery, the unknown, and life cycles. Strong connection to primal energy. Protects from psychic attack. Encourages taking responsibility for one’s own actions. Acts as a catalyst to free you from limitations imposed by self and society. Effective stone of mediation for energy regeneration. Serpentine: (Mg,Fe,Ni, Mn,Zn)2-3(Si,Al,Fe)2O5(OH)4 form where peridotite, dunite, and other ultramafic rocks undergo hydrothermal metamorphism. Smokey Quartz: Stone of Power. Grounding stone. Absorbs and neutralizes negative energies. Shields against psychic attacks, emotional stressors and environmental stressors. Relieves tension, stress and anxiety. Aids to prevent anxiety attacks and wards off negative thought patterns. Blocks electromagnetics energy field pollution. Enhances survival instincts. Amplifies the energy of nearby stones. Smokey Quartz: Microcrystalline quartz whose color is produced when natural radiation, emitted from surrounding rocks, activates color centers around aluminum impurities within the crystalline quartz. Snowflake Obsidian: Stone of Purity. Brings truth and balance. Empowers acceptance of change. Calms and soothes the mind. Increases receptiveness to recognizing patterns of negativity, self-defeat, “poor me” victimization, or unyielding emotional stress. Allows to see through darkness to light. Inspires new ideas to improve one’s condition. Opens new pathways of spiritual thought. Helps in overcoming feelings of loneliness and isolation. Excellent tool to connect with animals and environmental energies. Remedy for shock, trauma and turmoil. Very personal stone of protection, only to be kept and worn by a single individual. Absorbs negative energies and will require regular cleansing. Counters bullying and gossip. Snowflake Obsidian: Igneous rock that forms when molten rock material cools so rapidly that atoms are unable to arrange themselves into a crystalline structure. Over time, obsidian begins to crystallize. This process begins at various locations within the rock. At these locations, the crystallization process forms radial clusters of white or gray cristobalite crystals within the obsidian. Giving the “snowflake” effect. Sodalite: Logic Stone. Talisman of the writer. Ideal for sensitive, defensive, impulsive people, and helpful for people prone to anxiety or panic attacks. Balancing during times of PMS. Assists with coming to terms with aging and new phases of life. Enhances creativity, inspiration, intuition, discipline, organization, efficiency, focus, and promotes clear communication. Research study aid to help understand the unfamiliar and stimulate deep thought. Expanding the ability to arrive at logical conclusions based on rational consideration. Protects ideas and inspirations. Stimulates unity of the common goal in group situations. Helps overcome fear of flying. Encourages restful sleep. Enkindles self-acceptance, self-trust and embraces the importance of being true to yourself. Aids in acceptance, recognition and clear expression of one’s emotions. Discharges fear and anger. Empowers release of core fears, phobias and guilt. Assists in activation of clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, claircognizance, clairolfaction, and clairgustation. Sodalite: (Na4Al3Si3O12Cl). A member of the feldspathoid mineral group. Strawberry quartz: Stone of Celebration. Encourages taking the time to celebrate the special moments in our lives. Reminds us to reward ourselves for our accomplishments, and savor our own achievements. Stone of universal love and understanding of purpose. Encourages one to “seize the day” and aids in incorporating laughter and smiles into life. Soothing for those who work in fast paced environments. Amplifies feelings of love, gratitude and generosity. Helpful in attracting a soul mate. Aids in bringing balance to emotions. Uplifting and joyous stone. Healing for the heart chakra. Enables one to see the happy, beautiful and pleasant aspects of life. Brings awareness and mindfulness to simple pleasures to help overcome boredom and stagnation. Encourages optimism and positive thinking. Supportive and uplifting for those who feel stuck in patterns of negativity. Strawberry quartz: Pinkish to amethystine quartz containing microscopic hair-like or tabular red crystals of hematite. Sunstone: Stone of Illumination. Stone of leadership. Inspires personal power, freedom, and expanded consciousness. Brings openness, benevolence, warmth, mental clarity, strength and the willingness and ability to bless others. Inspires self-care, and to be of service to others. Restores enjoyment of life, good nature and sense of abundance. Encourages independence and originality. Beneficial to starting and maintaining fitness programs. Brings promotion and leadership opportunities at work. Helps in saying “no” to emotionally draining people. Removes codependency, overcomes procrastination and encourages self-empowerment. Removes feelings of self-doubt, unworthiness, discrimination and abandonment. Transforms anger and judgements into joy. Sunstone: Translucent to transparent feldspar that produce bright metallic flashes when light interacts with tiny plate-like mineral inclusions within the stone. Tanzanite: The Stone of Transmutation. Brings together all aspects of communication and psychic power. High vibrational energy that allows for profound mediation. Excellent tool in helping novices begin to explore psychic powers; very protective stone that helps prevent psychic impressions from becoming overwhelming. Helpful in uniting the mind and the heart, teaching one to live in compassion with an illumined mind. Aids in seeking spiritual information and knowledge from a heart-centered perspective, making this an excellent tool for counselors, or anyone who seeks to intellectually interpret emotional experiences. Helps empaths to interpret and process emotional information they receive intuitively. Allows insight into emotional issues without a need to dwell on them. Generates an energy of happiness and relief from worry. Inspires one to feel more compassionate, loving and centered. Valuable in overcoming communication difficulties. Helps overcome experiences of fear and crises. Supportive in rebuilding trust. Aids in finding solutions to problems when there at first seem to be none available. Supportive in times of career change. Assists in finding answers to questions related to the meaning of life, and in coming to terms with oneself. Over time, strengthens one’s ability to speak the truth of their heart with eloquence. Tanzanite: Tanzanite is blue Zoisite, a calcium aluminum silicate, and forms in prismatic, usually striated crystals, transparent to slightly opaque, and ranges in color from deep ultramarine blue to light violet-blue. Occurs in only one place in the world, the Merelani Hills in Tanzania, East Africa. Turquoise: Stone of the Sky. Promotes self-expression. Promotes leadership capabilities. Promise of fidelity and protection to a partner. Stone for self-acceptance, and the release of useless regrets. Protection from falling. Protection from theft. Helps overcome writer's block. Balancing, encourages a sense of serenity and peace. Restores vitality and lifts the spirit. Promotes self-realization. Aids in creative problem solving. Stabilizes mood swings and removes self-sabotage attitudes. Talisman of truth, luck, success, ambition and creativity. Beneficial for narcissism, to help one look outside their own needs and to be open to other's point of view. Turquoise: A hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminum (CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8·5H2). Tiger's Eye: Stone of the Golden Ray. Stone of luck, fortune and money. Ideal talisman for entrepreneurs. Emboldens one to grow and challenge their artistic, creative and physical abilities. Provides optimism, determination and courage. Protects against negative intentions. Sharpens senses. Aids in resolving crises. Useful for quick thinking. Boosts will power and emotional stability in making lifestyle changes and health improvement routines. Reduces anxiety from feelings of isolation or inadequacy. Promotes harmony between diverse viewpoints, and peaceful family life. Enhances ability to remember dreams. Balancing. Helps in realizing the consequences of one’s own actions. Tiger's Eye: A quartz gemstone, usually amber to brown in color, that forms when fibers of the mineral crocidolite are replaced by silica. The structure of parallel fibers is preserved in the stone, and the chatoyant "eye" crosses the parallel fibers at right angles. Unakite: Stone of Balanced Emotions. Resonates love, compassion, and kindness. Dedicated to balancing the emotional body. Lifts spirits, promotes patience and persistence. Supportive for those who feel lost, overwhelmed, or have trouble being present in the now. Encourages harmonious partnerships in both love and business. Earth energy brings gradual strength and renewed vitality. Promotes visualization and psychic vision. Gradually heals deep seated repressed feelings. Heals the wounded self and aids in learning to navigate challenging situations with consciousness and ease. Allows one to enjoy healthy relationships through balanced emotions. Unakite: A coarse-grained granitic rock that, after metamorphism, contains abundant pink orthoclase and pistachio-green epidote. Wood Jasper: Stone of Transformation. Grounding and stabilizing. Encourages practicality and efficiency. Stone of general protection. Connects spirit to Earth energy. Encourages living simply and in harmony with nature. Brings patience in ongoing growth and change. Helpful aid in assessing past life information. Aid in environmental healing work. Promotes discipline and self-will. Wood Jasper: An opaque, dense type of quartz or chalcedony made up of large microcrystals. A kind of limestone with opaque, rich brown tones of contrasting bands against a medium to dark golden base. Yellow Calcite: Mind Stone. An excellent study aid, increases mental discernment and analysis, increases memory capabilities and learning efficiency. Helps one to access their inner wisdom, and to connect with spirit for guidance. Solar plexus stone, helps in boosting self-worth, self-confidence and compassion. Increases motivation and drive while teaching one how to use their personal power for the highest good. Helps in overcoming pessimistic attitude, sarcasm and over analytical minds by removing stagnant energy. Stimulates hope, joy and relaxation while attracting wealth, prosperity, luck and abundance. Yellow Calcite: Chemical formula of CaCO3. Zebra Jasper: Balance yin and yang, masculine and feminine, dark and light. Motivating and uplifting energy. Inspires optimism. Grounding stone. Encourages self-discipline. Zebra Jasper: Opaque microcrystalline quartz.

Further Reading and References

Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007). Cassandra Eason, The New Crystal Bible (London: Carlton Books Ltd., 2010). William T. Fernie, The Occult and Curative Powers of Precious Stones (Blauvelt, NY: Rudolph Steiner Publications, 1973). Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals (Scotland: Earthdancer Books, 2009). Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003). Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible 2 (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2009). George Frederick Kunz, The Curious Lore of Precious Stones (New York: Dover Publications, 1971). Florence Megemont, The Metaphysical Book of Gems and Crystals (Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 2008). Dorothee L. Mella, Stone Power II (Albuquerque, NM: Brotherhood of Life, Inc., 1986). Melody, Love Is In The Earth (Wheat Ridge, CO: Earth-Love Publishing House, 1995). Katrina Raphaell, Crystal Enlightenment (Santa Fe, NM: Aurora Press, 1985) Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007).


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