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Rose quartz, clear quartz, mookaite, dalmatian stone, onyx and tiger's eye double strand beaded hemp necklace.


Talisman Themes: Strength, grounding, joy, protection, luck, instincts, focus, self-esteem, self-confidence, divination, love, self-love, healing, fortune, money, creativity, balance.


Clear Quartz: The Perfect Jewel. Supreme gift of mother earth. Opens mind and heart to higher guidance. Amplifies programmed energy and intent. Aids in manifestation. Protects aura from negativity. Enhances clarity, cleanses soul. Every quartz stone has its own unique energy and personality. Enhances communication with plants, animals, minerals and divine. Brings harmony and sense of purpose. 


Dalmatian Stone: Stone for Joyful Fun. Fortifies the spirit and encourages playfulness. Encourages loyalty and emotional harmony. Helpful in calming, training and communicating with pets, especially dogs. Supports balance. Helps one stay connected with the inner child. Calms anxiety. Promotes fidelity and stable family life. 


Mookaite: Stone of Bold Beauty. Invigorating frequency of strength, vitality and increased life force. Promotes ageless spirit and willingness to accept change and seek new opportunities. Awakens instincts to right decisions. Useful in connecting with Earth energy to increase self-confidence, self-worth and to realize full potential. Overcomes procrastination by revealing the real reason for avoiding certain tasks and provides motivation to move forward. Focusing and grounding. Amplifies instincts in decision making. Emanates the energy of animal knowing. Helps find the right path in both physical and non-physical travels. Support stone for going beneath surface of emotions to find core emotional upsets. Allows change and chance without fear. Encourages flexibility. 


Onyx: The Scrying Stone. Amulet of protection. Absorbs and transforms negative energy, preventing drains to your personal energy field. Shields against negative thoughts and criticisms. Keeps instincts and senses sharp. Deflects and defends against manipulation and argumentative people. Supportive in times of stress, confusion or grief. Aids in energy retention, enabling you to build up vigor, vitality and stamina. Boosts self confidence and assertion while bringing reason to passion. Excellent tool for keeping a cool, level head. Highly effective in magical work, such as scrying, divination, meditation or journeying. Tool to help you find moral virtues and a meaningful existence. 


Rose Quartz: Stone of Unconditional Love. Feminine energy stone. Promotes love, compassion, peace, tenderness, healing, nourishment and comfort. Dissolves emotional wounds, fears and resentments. Encourages self love. Talisman of relationships. Inspires love of beauty in all things. Helps in healing all wounds of the heart. Promotes peaceful dreams. 


Tiger's Eye: Stone of the Golden Ray. Stone of luck, fortune and money. Ideal talisman for entrepreneurs. Emboldens one to grow and challenge their artistic, creative and physical abilities. Provides determination and courage. Protects against negative intentions. Sharpens senses. Aids in resolving crisis. Useful for quick thinking. Boosts power and emotional stability in lifestyle changes and health improvement routines. Reduces anxiety from feelings of isolation or inadequacy. Promotes harmony between diverse viewpoints. Enhances ability to remember dreams. Balancing. 


Clear Quartz: Silicon dioxide (SiO2)
Dalmatian Stone: An igneous microcrystalline quartz with a mixture of other minerals creating the speckled look.
Mookaite: a crypto- to microcrystalline quartz rock, which forms in the weathering profile of a geological formation called Windalia Radiolarite in Western Australia. Radiolarite is a siliceous, fine-grained, chert-like, and homogeneous sedimentary rock that is composed predominantly of the microscopic remains of radiolarians.
Onyx: Uniformly black chalcedony, opaque microcrystalline quartz.
Rose Quartz: The pink color of rose quartz is attributed to microscopic inclusions of a pink variety of the mineral dumortierite.
Tiger's Eye:  A quartz gemstone, usually amber to brown in color, that forms when fibers of the mineral crocidolite are replaced by silica. This structure of parallel fibers are preserved in the stone, and the chatoyant "eye" crosses the parallel fibers at right angles.


One approx 8mm rose quartz crystal, one approx 10mm clear quartz crystal, one approx 8mm mookaite, one approx 8mm onyx, one approx 8mm dalmatian stone, one approx 25-30mm tiger's eye. Hand beaded onto natural, eco-conscious hemp cord using the highest quality seed beads. All stones, crystals and gemstones used are authentic.


Crafted with love and light for the good of all. Each craft is 100% unique.

Grounding • Balance • Beauty • Joy | Double strand Necklace

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