Libra energy necklace with clear quartz, jade, lapis lazuli and blue lace agate.
(Sun in Libra; September 23rd - October 23rd)
Cardinal air sign.
Evolved Libra Traits: Fair, charming, charitable, peaceful, balanced, social, idealistic, diplomatic, clever, artistic, relatable.
Talisman Themes: Libra balancing. Higher guidance, manifestation, diplomacy, encouragement, support, positivity, communication, confidence, truth, loyalty, trust, emotional control, self-expression, growth, public speaking, stability, composure, maturity, self-analysis, self-acceptance, wisdom, practicality, understanding, memory, honesty, friendship, harmony, peace, serenity, protection, forgiveness, luck.
Clear Quartz: The Perfect Jewel. Supreme gifts of mother earth. Opens mind and heart to higher guidance. Amplifies programmed energy and intent. Aids in manifestation. Protects aura from negativity. Enhances clarity, cleanses soul. Every quartz stone has its own unique energy and personality. Enhances communication with plants, animals, minerals and divine. Brings harmony and sense of purpose.
Blue Lace Agate: The Diplomat’s Stone. Stone of encouragement and support. Calm and uplifting energy. Encourages positive attitude and emotions. Stone of communication, helps one be heard and aids in confidence and articulation of the truth. Helps in finding diplomatic solutions in tense situations. Balances emotional, physical and intellectual energy. Inspires loyalty and trustworthiness. Aids in expression of emotions without loss of control. Dissolves old blockages of fear and doubt, permitting new methods of self expression and growth. Helpful in overcoming fears of public speaking. Encourages discernment in the thoughts we share. Helps in keeping secrets. Promotes inner stability, composure and maturity. Helpful in overcoming postpartum depression. Healing for any kind of trauma. Encourages a sense of reality and pragmatic thinking. Helpful in self analysis, self acceptance, self confidence and speaking your truth. Overcomes negativity and bitterness in the heart, promoting love and forgiveness. Raises awareness of collective consciousness.
Lapis Lazuli: Stone of Universal Truth. Stimulates wisdom and good judgement in the practical world. Activates higher mind and enhances intellectual ability. Stimulates desire for knowledge, truth and understanding. Enhances memory. Encourages honesty in spirit, as well as in spoken word. Useful in all forms of deep communication. Stone of friendship, brings harmony to relationships. Attracts promotions and lasting recognition in your field of work. Increase self awareness and self acceptance. Releases stress, encouraging peace and serenity. Blocks psychic attacks and returns them to their source.
Jade: Dream Stone. Amulet of good luck and friendship. Heals feelings of guilt and defeat. Encourages individuality. Crystal of love. Supportive for all healers in making decisions. Protects against deceptions. Peace through strength. Soothes mind. Helps in remembering dreams. Relinquishes self-imposed limitations. Provides confidence, self-assuredness, self-reliance and self-sufficiency. Improves dysfunctional relationships. Restores dignity to anyone mocked for being different. Abundance stone.
One approx 10mm blue lace agate, one approx 8mm lapis lazuli, one approx 8mm jade, one approx 25-45mm clear quartz point. Beading pattern and quartz point shapes will have variation. Hand beaded onto natural, eco-conscious hemp cord using the highest quality seed beads. All stones, crystals and gemstones used are authentic.
Crafted with love and light for the good of all. Each craft is 100% unique. Each stone is chosen to balance and help you become the most evolved version of yourself.
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