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Black tourmaline, picture jasper, dalmatian stone and clear quartz beaded hemp cascading triple strand necklace.


Talisman Themes: Grounding, self-confidence, protection, clarity, rationality, creativity, practicality, self-discovery, joy, fun, plat, loyalty, harmony, manifestation, purpose.



Black Tourmaline: The Grounding Stone. Protects against all negative energy. Purifies your own negative thought patterns. Promotes power and self-confidence. Powerful protector and shield for empaths. Aids in replacing tension and stress with clarity, rationality and neutrality. Empowers those who must live or work in challenging environments or face difficult circumstances.


Dalmatian Stone: Stone for Joyful Fun. Fortifies the spirit and encourages playfulness. Encourages loyalty and emotional harmony. Helpful in calming, training and communicating with pets, especially dogs. Supports balance of yin and yang energies. Nourishes and helps one stay connected with the inner child. Promotes fidelity and emotional harmony, leading to stable family life and strong long-term relationships. Encourages careful thinking over and development of plans for successful execution. Calms and soothes emotions.


Clear Quartz: The Perfect Jewel. Supreme gifts of mother earth. Opens mind and heart to higher guidance. Amplifies programmed energy and intent. Aids in manifestation. Protects aura from negativity. Enhances clarity, cleanses soul. Every quartz stone has its own unique energy and personality. Enhances communication with plants, animals, minerals and divine. Brings harmony and sense of purpose.


Picture Jasper: Stone of Environmental Awareness. Deep, grounding Earth connection. Encourages ecological responsibility. Inspires bringing joy to others. Inspires creative visualization, ideal for overcoming artistic blocks. Encourages initiative. Inspires confidence, creative vision and practicality. Helpful to starting a business or venture. Aids in long term self-discovery and healing. Protective and nurturing stone.


One approx 10mm black tourmaline, one approx 8mm picture jasper, one approx 8mm dalmatian stone, one approx 15-35mm clear quartz point. Hand beaded onto natural, eco-conscious hemp cord using the highest quality seed beads. All stones, crystals and gemstones used are authentic.


Crafted with love and light for the good of all. Each craft is 100% unique.

Rationality and Joy Amulet | Cascading

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