Virgo energy necklace with clear quartz, yellow calcite, blue apatite and amazonite.
(Sun in Virgo; August 23rd - September 22nd)
Mutable earth sign.
Evolved Virgo Traits: Helpful, sincere, responsible, knowledgeable, self-sufficient, detail oriented, hard-working, resourceful, creative, kind, reliable, honest, capable, exacting, active.
Talisman Themes: Virgo balancing. Truth, courage, integrity, empowerment, self-truth, boundaries, self-discipline, communication, compassion, perspective, healing, prosperity, luck, organization, tidiness, calm, soothing, self-esteem, positive action, manifestation, personal power, intellect, humanitarisiam, independence, ambition, management, creativity, inner-self, optimism, study, discernment, analysis, memory, learning, wisdom, spiritual guidance, self-worth, self-confidence, hope, joy, abundance.
Clear Quartz: The Perfect Jewel. Supreme gifts of mother earth. Opens mind and heart to higher guidance. Amplifies programmed energy and intent. Aids in manifestation. Protects aura from negativity. Enhances clarity, cleanses soul. Every quartz stone has its own unique energy and personality. Enhances communication with plants, animals, minerals and divine. Brings harmony and sense of purpose.
Amazonite: Stone of Truth, Stone of Courage. Empowers you to search for self-truth and integrity, and to move beyond fear of judgement or confrontation with others to live in alignment with your own values and beliefs. Provides freedom to express your thoughts and feelings, and to set strong, clear boundaries, both internally as self-discipline, and externally with what you are willing to experience, or in defining personal space. Aligns body to the etheric plane. Encourages loving communication. Balances the masculine and feminine energies in personality. Awakens compassion for others through shared perspective. Talisman of healing and prosperity. Assists in communicating true thoughts and feelings in a balanced manner. Helps overcome loneliness and makes married life happier. Dispels negative business energy and protects against unfair business practices. Attracts new customers and encourages serendipitous moments. Luck stone for games of chance. Encourages tidiness and organization. Soothes trauma, calms the mind, and alleviates worry and fear. Directs anger into positive action. Increases self-esteem and reduces self-neglect. Empowers manifestation of dreams through speaking intentions. **Soft stone, be gentle.
Blue Apatite: Stone of Manifestation. Influences positive use of personal power to achieve goals. Clears away confusion, apathy, and negativity. Stimulates intellect to gain knowledge and truth. Promotes humanitarianism and service to others. Aids in animal communication. Motivates while promoting independence and ambition. Public speaking and group communication aid. Helps in developing time management skills. Enhances creativity and awakens inner self. Useful in overcoming fear of dentists. Eases sorrow and anger while reducing irritability and emotional exhaustion. Encourages optimism. Gives insight into past lives.
Yellow Calcite: Mind stone. An excellent study aid, increases mental discernment and analysis, increases memory capabilities and learning efficiency. Helps one to access their inner wisdom, and to connect with spirit for guidance. Solar plexus stone, helps in boosting self-worth, self-confidence and compassion. Increases motivation and drive while teaching one how to use their personal power for the highest good. Helps in overcoming pessimistic attitude, sarcasm and over analytical minds by removing stagnant energy. Stimulates hope, joy and relaxation while attracting wealth, prosperity, luck and abundance.
One approx 10mm yellow calcite, one aprox 8mm amazonite, one approx 8mm blue apatite, one approx 25-45mm clear quartz point. Beading pattern and quartz point shapes will have variation. Hand beaded onto natural, eco-conscious hemp cord using the highest quality seed beads. All stones, crystals and gemstones used are authentic.
Crafted with love and light for the good of all. Each craft is 100% unique. Each stone is chosen to balance and help you become the most evolved version of yourself.
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