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Completed Artwork | Series 3 Synopsis | Dallas Creative Art Center Series | Spring 2022 | Ep 29

Writer's picture: Tori SolisTori Solis

Hi guys and welcome back to my channel, Blue Nose Trading. My name is Tori Solis, and today I'm going to be doing another series review, where I go over all of the pots I made in a series. This series is going to be my spring semester throwing class with Nathan Portnoy at the Dallas Creative Arts Center. So let's get straight into it.

I have these sorted out, a little bit. The first section that we are going to do is white stoneware that was fired in oxidation. For starting we have this vase. This is banana cream pie with gloss white on the rim and on the inside it is swicord blue, and also gloss white around the rim. It came out pretty nice. This is going to be a mother's day gift for my mother-in-law. We are going to match it with some great flowers. This is actually not white stoneware, as I said it was. All this specking and the speckles on the bottom, this is actually Trinity Spectacular. So we kind of got out of order off the bat, but now we are going to switch into white stoneware.

Or, more spectacular actually. This is the world's ugliest mug. This combination is oatmeal over gloss black and over spice. With the oatmeal over spice it crawled, and with the oatmeal over gloss black..... hello wasp..... it made just weird. It's ok. The handle on this is not, not sexy. Overall, I just don't like this mug. I think it's pretty terrible. So a terrible mug, for the books.

This is just a cup, with a little bit of carving on it to give it texture. This is gloss white on the inside and around the rim over seafoam. I like seafoam. It's really nice. This is a white stoneware fired in oxidation. Actually a white stoneware.

The next one here is oatmeal over gunmetal green. This one did some really nice dripping, but it went a little bit too far. With a little bit more care in the application, I could probably really do something with this oatmeal over gunmetal green combination. I really do like the color, but again, it just dripped a little bit too far there. So, not the best.

This mug has a lovely glaze combination, and I love the form that came out here. It is oatmeal over carmen's turquoise with gloss white on the inside. The only problem is that it has the world's thinnest handle. So this will probably be my mug for a while because this handle is destined to probably break at some point. It's not super functional. It's a thin handle. None of these mugs came out great, we're still working on that.

This next one here is oatmeal over Pete's weathered bronze. If you're catching onto a theme here, this semester I was like, "What can I put oatmeal on, and what will it do?" There's a lot of oatmeal experimentation. I really like how this one came out. Most of these are bonsai planters, because that's kind of a thing for me.

This is just Carmen's turquoise, in all of it's Carmen's turquoise glory. I really love this one. I'm going to start trying to put some of these pots to have trees in them when I'm at the market. So that I can try to get other people involved in the bonsai hobby as well. So you know, just giving people their first tree whenever they get their pot, and I think it will be fun. It will be good.

This next one is oatmeal over seafoam. I really like how this one came out. It's a lovely combination. This is just a weird little planter, something kind of random, white stoneware, and a couple of the Trinity Spectacular.

These next three pieces are going to be Trinity Spectacular fired in oxidation. This one is gloss white over patina green. Where it was just patina green it's kind of matte, and then where we added the gloss white it just kind of got shiny. So it's like half shiny, half matte. Excellent speckles. Lots of great holes in this one. I like it, it's a nice little pot.

This one is seafoam over spice, which turned out just as excellent as I was envisioning that it would. I really enjoy this one. It's fantastic. The one has really tall feet, and this clay body is Trinity spectacular. It's got really nice, large speckles. The speckled buff I have used before has smaller speckles than the Trinity spectacular. That's from Trinity Ceramic Supply in Dallas. It might not be accessible to everybody, but if you're in the area of Dallas, you can have access to that.

This is gloss white over variegated blue slate. This one is also a very nice glaze combination. Blues, greens and everything in-betweens are my aesthetic, and I'm really enjoying how these are coming out. I've learned a lot about working with these different colors.

The next three that I have here on the end are going to be fired in reduction. This one is Carmen's turquoise fired in reduction. I only put it inside of the pattern here and it ran around a lot, and it ran really too far in some places, which is unfortunate. I'm going to have to sand this one down and see about it. It ran too far.

This one... sorry, everybody is doing their lawn care today, so, it's a nice spring day. This one is just gunmetal green, fired in reduction with a little bit of texture on it. It always comes out super nice. I like this glaze a lot.

This one here is a little slightly sculptural wheel thrown piece. This is just gloss black, it's painted on here on this textured flappy thing, and then it's splattered on the inside. This is Trinity spectacular fired in reduction, so it's a little bit darker than the other ones. It came out really great, it's a really cool pot.

These two here are from our raku firing. Which you might have already seen that video, I don't know if it came out or not yet. This one was blue flash raku. It's very lovely. I don't love the flash raku's as much. I'm more into the, this one. This one is alligator crawl raku. These were both fired in reduction, trash can pottery. I love these, they are both mine. I'm keeping them. So that's how that is.

So that's everything that I made just in the art's center. I did finish up a couple of pieces. Some of them have plants in them already because I can't control myself. The liopleurodon pot is finished and I put some stone crop in it. This one came out pretty cool. I think I need to revisit this idea. I think I could make it tighter and better, but just in general, I like it and I'm keeping it for me. Couldn't get rid of him.

This one I kind of forgot about. It's so awesome... oops, sorry little tree. It was Carmen's turquoise over waxwing brown. It's got a fukein tea tree in there that's very upset with me, but I'm hoping it's going to get over it. They get kind of sassy when you repot them. It's just a lovely glaze combination. This is going to be a core color combination for me and my work. It's kind of exactly what I'm looking for.

Then we also finished up and fired Chainsaw, the dragon. He, came out ok. This isn't really what I was expecting. It's a little more bright than I wanted it to be. I'm going to revisit the dragons and see what I can come up with as far as different concepts for these. It's a work in progress. He's going to be a gift.

I'm not sure where all these pots are going to be available, or what pots are going to be available. A lot of them are going to be gifts, a lot of them are going to go to my local market. Some of them are hopefully going to go to my local market with trees in them. I'm going to keep a few of them because I get to do that. Some of them might be on a shop update, but, I'm not sure. Maybe not, maybe, maybe so. If you'd like to see any particular one on a shop update or you'd like to see me make more of them just let me know. But that's pretty much it for this ceramic series review.

Thank you guys so much for tuning in. If you'd like to see a weekly art video you can subscribe to my channel, Blue Nose Trading. If you'd like to gain early access to all of my videos, as well as access to exclusive content you can find me at And I will see you guys next week!

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