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Writer's pictureTori Solis

Completed Ceramic Artwork | Series 1 Synopsis | Dragons, Chickens & Pots, Oh My! | Pottery Vlog Ep17

Hi guys and welcome back to my channel, Blue Nose Trading. My name is Tori Solis, and I'm going to show you all the artwork that I was able to complete during my semester at the Dallas Creative Arts Center over the past few months. I had a really great time, and I got to work with a lot of different resources and get a lot of great advice from some very experienced people. So let's go ahead and get to it.

So I've got everything that I made here, during my semester at the Creative Arts Center. I'll go ahead and start showing things in some sort of order. Kind of working from stuff I like least to stuff I like best, but, not exactly perfect order because some things call it really close with each other.

The easiest thing, my least favorite thing is this pot. I really like the holes idea, but what I wanted this glaze to do was drip down. This really just comes down to me not knowing exactly what every glaze is going to do and how it's going to behave. So for me, it was experimental. It ended up kind of just looking like a layer of toasted marshmallows. I'm not a huge fan of this guy.

I would say that my next least favorite thing was probably this chicken. I mean, it's hard to say. I don't hate him. I just don't think I would ever do this particular combination of white clay and colors again. Nor the way that I sculpted him. It was the first one I made, so I don't think I would do it this way again. There's just a lot of things here that needed to be improved, that even in this particular series were improved.

My next one, moving up into things that now I'm starting to like a bit more, is this pot here. The idea was there. I think my carving could be a little bit better. I got some finger print smudges here and there. It's a little thick and heavy as far as throwing goes, but, it's ok. It will make a nice gift for somebody. It's got some dirt in it, and some of these have plants in them because I couldn't help myself.

Moving along, hmm let's see, probably this guy here. I mean I like the plant but... with this one, it was part of learning to do underglaze, well, painting on glaze. I don't really love how well I can see the brush strokes. That wasn't part of my intentions, but it still turned out pretty nice. There is no glaze on the inner carving here, and it looks nice with this plant in it, can't deny it.

Up next is, going to be this one. Just the form in this one. I mean gunmetal green came out nice. I lost a lot of the texture that I put on this. This was the one I decorated with slip and a pallet knife, and I lost a lot of the texture with this glaze. He's alright, I'd use him.

Next up probably is this chicken pot. I love her shape, she's nice and round, wheel thrown and the bottom is real nice. But, when I was learning to use underglaze, I kind of got spots here that... yeah, room for improvement. But she is super cute and she's going to make a holiday gift this year. She's got a little kalanchoe planted in her right now, and that's all part of being a gift.

Next up, I love this one. It's not my favorite, but I love it. It looks tasty like it's got caramel on it, like it would make you sticky. It does not, but, looks delicious.

After that one, probably this chicken. She was a pinch pot from one of the prior videos, and she came out kind of nice. A lot of the underglaze I was hoping would be a little brighter, so we lost a bit of the color. Overall, she's nice. She is going to be a holiday gift too.

This one I like less that the chicken. So this one is kind of out of order. I love everything about what happened here, except for where the glazes right here just decided that they did not want to hang out. But everything else about this one was really nice. A nice little planter pot.

Now we are getting into stuff I really like. Up next, I would say this textured pot. As far as my throwing goes, this one is the most even and the nicest and well thrown. The carving texture was a crater texture and it came out really nice. I used a speckled kiwi or textured kiwi (glaze), something like that. It came out pretty cool. Not my favorite color, but it's nice and I will use this texture again.

Then, we've got this one, which, the first time it went through, it was fired twice. The first time It went through I put dark leopard on it, and it looked terrible. So I fired it again with an overglaze of teal. Just Amaco teal, and it created this really awesome effect on this one. So I definitely like how this one turned out.

Oh, so hard to choose. I guess, next up for favorites is going to be... this raku pot. This one was hand built out of slabs, and then raku fired. It's got a bunch of stuff already living in it. It's one of my favorites. The raku style of firing was super fun.

I would say up next is this chicken pot. This is my favorite of the chicken pot series from this first generation of chicken pots. I'm keeping her, she's mine and this is her yellow kalanchoe. She's super pretty and cute, and I'm going to give her a name. I have not decided on one, or maybe I did. If I did I forgot what it was.

Next up, coming in, is going to be this pot here with the dragon. I love this guy. The way that this came out was so awesome, because he was in a slightly underfired kiln load. Which caused everything on him to be matte when it came out of the kiln. He is super special, definitely a one of a kind. I ended up naming him Raul. So I am going to keep this one, put a bonsai tree in it or maybe some cactus. I haven't decided. It's hard to commit because I really like him a lot.

My favorite thing has got to be Kilin, my kiln god. I'm working right now on getting my own kiln space set up. Kilin is going to be the kiln god, a piece of pottery that watches over my artwork. Kilin has been through a lot. If you have been following my channel and watching my shorts. Kilin was sculpted and he was fabulous. During his bisque firing he was sitting next to a large piece of artwork, and that piece of artwork was someone else's, and it happened to explode. It knocked his tail off right here, and a lot of his spikes kind of got messed up too in that explosion. I really wasn't sure what I was going to do with him. We ended up doing a raku, and he got raku fired as well. I left him unglazed on his bottom and underside. I dipped him really heavily in this alligator crawl glaze and he was fired in raku with trash can reduction. He came out so awesome. He's been through it. He's beautiful. Sculpturally, I just love him. He was one of the first things I ever sculpted. He is going to be an amazing kiln god. There's nothing really that I can put my pottery through that he has not seen already.

That is everything that I made, during my time at the Creative Arts Center of Dallas. I hope you guys enjoyed looking at all of it. It's a really big load, but it was a lot of time. I'm working to get my own kiln set up, so I will be doing overviews of every set, hopefully, as I start firing my own stuff. All of this stuff was fired by the people at the Creative Arts Center. So they know what they are doing. Which was a benefit to me. I really appreciate you guys taking the time to check this out. If you'd like to see a weekly art video, you can subscribe to my channel, Blue Nose Trading. If you want to support my work and also get early access to all the YouTube videos, and extended content for sculptures and exclusive content, you can go to and sign up to be a patron of my work and gain access to all of that additional content that I make for my awesome patrons. I will see you guys next week.


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