A book review for the book "Every Tool's a Hammer: Life is What You Make it" by Adam Savage, avid maker and co-host of MythBusters from Discovery Channel. I am so happy to share this book with you. This is one of my favorite books, and I cannot recommended it enough. In this review I am going to tell you about some of my impressions of this book, as well as an overview of it's main topics and content.
This is a positive review. I have read this book at least 6 times, and will likely continue to read it again and again whenever I am needing an extra boost of creative motivation. If you are an artist, creator or maker of any kind, this book is an invaluable source of inspiration!
Where to buy this book:: https://amzn.to/3ll9OGc
*Purchasing using my affiliate links helps support and bring income to my channel.
Adam Savage's Website:: https://adamsavage.com/