Matte Purple
Custer Feldspar | 37.3 |
Silica | 22.8 |
Kaolin | 4.5 |
Dolomite | 6.4 |
Talc | 13.6 |
Gerstley Borate | 12.7 |
Zinc Oxide | 2.7 |
- | =100 |
Cobalt Carbonate | 1.3 |
Bentonite | 2 |
Specific Gravity ≈ 1.40
It is semi-matte, and it is purple, but I just don't like it. The surface just ain't it.
Recipe originally from The Complete Guide to Mid-Range Glazes by John Britt.
Clay Body Key:
BM- Laguna B-Mix 5
B3- Laguna B-3
LF-Armadillo Longhorn Red (low fire)