Hi guys and welcome back to my channel, Blue Nose Trading. My name is Tori Solis and today I'm going to be painting underglaze onto my bisque fired liopleurodon pot. I am going to be adding over-glaze to this as well once I get it back into the studio. For today, and this video, I'm just going to be applying the details of underglaze, so let's get to it.
This liopleurodon pot has to be one of my favorite sculptures that I have made to date. I am probably going to keep this piece for myself. I had a bit of an idea of how I wanted this to look going into it. I did a layer of "electra blue" for the base coat, because he is definitely going to be blue. His underbelly un-glazed, his teeth are white. For the backside of him, I wanted to create this mottle sort of effect with different blues. I am alternating making polka-dots of both "electra blue" and "marine blue". I did several layers of these polka-dots, using different sized polka-dots to build up thickness. I want to have a very alternating and varying thickness so that the pattern that I have in my head will hopefully come through in the firing. This piece is going to get over-glaze. Right now I am only applying underglaze. Once I get him back to the Dallas Creative Arts Center studio, I am going to be applying overglaze.
This pot had some really nice chattering on it, which I wish I could say that I did on purpose. But when I made the pot it wasn't exactly on purpose. But I did actually choose this sculpture to match that chattering. I am hoping to use some white and blue to create some sort of ocean-type-looking color effect on the pot itself. So, we will see how that turns out. I will have him glazed hopefully within a few months. I will have the results posted as a short, as well as in a "series review" video.
For the final layer on his backside here, I did lots of tiny spots of "pansy purple". I am using Mayco Fundamentals Underglaze on this entire piece to apply the underglazes. I'm making them pretty thick. I'm hoping for a pretty graphic color.
On a side note, I did order some teal gloves so I can stop using these terribly bright, eye sore red gloves in my videos. I want to have something that matches my vibe a little bit better. So, I'm excited for my new gloves, and I'm also excited to see how this liopleurodon pot turns out.
If you'd like to see how this liopleurodon turns out, you can subscribe to my channel, Blue Nose Trading, and I will have videos up of this pot once it is complete. If you'd like to support my artwork and gain early access to my YouTube content, as well as exclusive content access, and early access to all of my ceramic shop updates, you can find me at patreon.com/bluenosetrading, and I will see y'all next week!