I am an artist of specific and eclectic taste, and I embrace this part of myself wholeheartedly. Some people seek to dedicate themselves entirely to a particular craft; they pick up a paintbrush and declare, "I shall learn and master all which this paintbrush can do". I pick up the paintbrush and say, "I shall master what I wish this paintbrush to do." The former become renowned master "painters", "potters", "jewelers', and the like, which is admirable, but it isn't me. I cannot settle permanently into any one craft, so I remain a "visual artist". If I see something specific I feel inspired to create within a field, I work to master that particular facet. Pulling many facets of mastery from many fields makes me a gem of many colors.
For example, I paint pet portraits, and I am well practiced and produce exceptional work, but I don't feel compelled to learn also to paint people, landscapes or abstractions. I have worked out the design for the jewelry I had in my heart, but I don't feel called to also master metal work, rings, ceramic jewelry, etc. I am a photographer, I love to capture landscape, nature, product and macro shots, but have not the slightest desire to become your wedding photographer. I feel called to pottery, because I want to make mugs, bonsai pots and other vessels of my flavor and design, but I don't foresee myself creating large vases or other experimental forms.
All in all, I am a "jack of all trades, and master of none". Only that phrase makes it sound as if I am unproficient, or that I do not produce quality work, which is untrue. I focus on a narrow field within each field that calls to my spirit to master. In that, I remain an artist of high caliber, with many facets of mastery under my belt. Though I am an artist who refuses to be neatly boxed up in any one particular medium. I don't seek to fully master any one field of expression in its entirety, rather, I use every outlet as a means to master myself. I make what I like, and at times I can be rather inflexible, as other forms within a field simply do not interest me. (Hence why I won't paint your grandma or take your wedding photos)
I remain a visual artist, I make what I find to be visually appealing, in whatever form it needs to take. This is why our business name is "Blue Nose Trading", it encompasses everything we do here, and leaves me open to lifelong experimentation in the pursuit of my artistic interests. I stock my shop with many things, using my life to constantly "add new shelves". Thank you everyone who is with me for my journey, and who offer their constant love and support.